Our February Pre-Order Products will be available for purchase from February 14th at 12:01am EST through February 21st at 11:59pm Hawaiian Time.

The Colors of Our World June 2021

Aloha and welcome!

I am often reminded or at least try to remind myself what a magical, wonderful place I live.  Mother nature puts on a spectacular show every day in the colors of our sunrise, the flora, the water, and the sunset here in Hawaii.  I often think I wish I could capture these colors in some exact way and gift them to people.  Then I realized... isn't that exactly what HHC beauty products do?  I often marvel at how fortunate we are to have such talent in HHC.  They bring all the colors of nature and then some.  I hope you love our products brought forth by our makers as much as we do.  

Let's Get Started!   June is a very exciting month for Hella Handmade Creations!  We have FIVE new makers joining us this month so let's get going!

BCB Lacquer is joining HHC for the first time ever!  We are delighted to have Brittany from BCB as a part of our HHC fam.  Given her love of all things galaxy related, she had to do the theme Galaxy as her start into HHC with "Magellanic Cloud." This is a purple polish loaded with iridescent color shifting flakes, teal, and rose sparks with a touch of holo.  Make sure you check out her offering in the store for June.

BCB Lacquers opened shop in May of 2020. The name BCB is inspired by the creator's initials. She have always loved art and continues to paint, sketch, and whatever other hobby she says she ropes herself into in her free time! Her logo is to reflect her love of galaxies and the sky. As you’ll also see throughout her packaging, she tries to include galaxies everywhere she goes! Brittany, the driving force behind BCB Lacquers, is completely fascinated with the beauty of the night sky and would spend hours outside painting it with her grandmother growing up. Sadly, her grandmother passed away March 2020, and she continues to work as hard as she can in her honor. Her grandmother was her biggest support as she was an artist herself. BCB is not only a reflection of Brittany and all the things she loves but also of her grandmother as well. Brittany looks forward to the future and what is to come!

Make sure you check out her offering in the store for June.

Cupcake Polish is back in HHC to explore a Dolly Parton theme!  This is almost as good as the invention of Reese's cups.  What two things could go better together than Cupcake Polish with a Dolly Parton theme?  

Here's a little bit about the brand: Cupcake Polish was established in July 2013, as a way to share my love of fun, vibrant nail polish with the world. Cupcake Polish is nail polish reimagined with a handmade twist. We specialize in holographic nail polishes and other special effects that are unlike anything you can find on the shelves at a big box store. Our goal is to help customers express their individuality from tip to toe! Cupcake Polish is headquartered in Dallas, TX. All nail polishes are hand-mixed with love in small batches. We aim to provide the highest quality nail polish possible and use the finest glitters & micas in our polishes. All polishes are handmade, full of dazzling special effects, are long-lasting, and 5-free. Cupcake Polish has been featured in BUST Magazine, Nails Magazine, Nail It! Magazine, Nail It! Online, as well as tons of the world's leading beauty blogs. We have also won many customer-voted awards including Best Newbie Indie Polish Brand, Best Indie Polish Brand, Best Brand for Holographic Polish, Best Indie Polish Collection, and many more!

Different Dimension is back in HHC again!  I first met Missi, of the Different Dimension brand several years ago.  I was quite taken with her.  She is the sweetest thing and very welcoming, especially when you are feeling like you might not belong at these events.  She was quite in endearing.  Her theme is from a show that I watched for a very long time.  How about you?  Grey's Anatomy was certainly steamy back in the day with McDreamy and then they added a McSteamy!  Oh my. 

I asked the creator behind the brand, Missi, to share some info about her business with us:

Out Of This World nail polish! Different Dimension was born out of the love for nail polish and the need for originality, creativity and something different. It is created by a licensed Ohio Managing Manicurist currently living in Indianapolis. Quality, creativity, and service are the main things I strive for. All of our products are meticulously crafted by hand with love and are cruelty free and vegan.

MTK Designs is joining HHC for the very first time with the theme "Somewhere in Time."  I was not familiar with this movie so I have to dig in.   I know there are a lot of fans of it though.  We are thrilled to have Mary join the HHC fam!

Mary told us this about her brand, MTK Designs: "Mary Tetreault-Klawitter is the MTK in MTK Design - established in 2016 as a place to share my love of making. Primarily hyper-interactive polish and artisan jewelry, but I also resin decor. Hyper-interactive means I mix thermal, solar, glow in the dark, magnetic, and creating something unique and special and fun. "

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited is joining HHC for the first time ever.  Virginia, the inventive mind behind the brand, has chosen Cosmic Bowling as her theme.  It's innovative and an exciting theme for our business and we cannot wait!

Here is what the creator has to say about her brand:

Our story…. Many of you might wonder how Pretty Beautiful Unlimited came to be. Well, some time in 2014, I purchased some of my first indie polish and it was instant mad love! I was pregnant at the time with my second baby and once I started researching “indie polish”, I fell even more in love. You see I have a “problem” with glitter and sparkles. I LOVE them! And what I had been looking for and not finding in mainstream brands was overwhelmingly satisfied with indie polish. By the time my baby was born, I had decided this was what I wanted to do full time. And so the journey began. My first hurdle was what in the world do I call this brand I was so feverishly crazy about. I’m absolutely terrible with names so I asked my husband. Right around this time, I had discovered an artist named Danny Gokey (my other passion is music, I can’t play an instrument or carry a tune but I am forever on the hunt for “new” music). We were on our way into town (yes we live way out in the country) when this song Pretty Beautiful started playing. My husband looked at me and said, “You should call your line Pretty Beautiful Polish”. After a little bit of thought (alright a lot of thought!), I decided to go with Pretty Beautiful Unlimited. I didn’t want my dream to be confined or labeled as one thing, just like I don’t want to be labeled as just a wife or mom. I was raised to be a self confident and independent woman who can reach as far as her dreams will go. It's this spirit of never giving up and believing in yourself and your dreams that I hope to spread to any and all who come across my humble little line. Currently, I offer a wide range of nail polish and wax. I also have a small selection of hand painted necklaces and cuticle oils, but as I said the sky's the limit, and I hope to add bath and body, more jewelry, nail art items, and basically anything else my brain can come up with. The business is currently a work in progress and I hope the journey never comes to an end. I hope you join us and until we meet again I pray you find love, hope and inspiration all around you!

Gift With Purchase - The gift with any $75 purchase is Under a Hula Moon's Tubular Top Coat. "Tubular Top Coat" is a fabulous formula that seals polish with a no chip, ultra gloss mirror like shine.  "Tubular Top Coat is not a quick dry top coat so patience is necessary, but the finished product is worth it!  “Tubular Top Coat” will be added to any order of $75 or more made between 6/14/21 and 6/21/21.   

The summer solstice is this month and of course, the official start of summer.  Wishing you a happy shopping experience with HHC and a promising start to the summer season...

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